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Thursday, December 21, 2006

hey guys :)

mm i think let's have an agreement, that we should not modify each other's posts in any other way k? except maybe to change the font colour if somehow it is very difficult to read. i think the basic idea that joel was trying to bring across was that of respect. that we should respect whoever is talking, not just the cell leader, but maybe the icebreaker leader or perhaps someone giving a testimony. it's not very difficult i think, but let's try together k? :) i personally think it's alright to talk a little during such sessions, if everyone were quiet when i shared i'd be quite freaked. as long as you all listen, take note and understand what the sharer is talking about, it's not always necessary to keep silent always :) just remember to focus ya? :) like joel said, let's work on it together, we'll do okay :)

mm like i promised, these are my long-awaited and way-past-deadline sharings from a long time ago :p

on how to live a life of TRUST:

Take one day at a time
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Remember, all things work together for good.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Under no circumstances should you worry
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Start everyday with prayer and thanksgiving
1 Thess 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

The Lord will never leave you or forsake you, never forget that!
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

on how to react to difficult situations/trials in our lives - 5 questions:

WHO can i touch with this experience?
Who are the people affected by your situation? the way you react to things, the things you say when things happen, they really affect the people around you. sometimes we all need to learn to stop being so self-centred and wonder what other people see in us. Many people watch us when we tell them we are Christians, so shine your light :)

WHAT can i thank God for?
WHAT can i learn from this situation?
These 2 questions together: Your PERSPECTIVE
What are the silver linings you can find on the dark clouds in your life? Remember one of the keys to trusting God is finding something to thank Him for in every situation. It's not finding excuses for God, it's knowing that God has everything in control, and everything that happens in your life is happening for a reason. so take heart :)

WHERE is God leading me in this situation?
Sometimes a series of trials happen to you. in such situations, be sensitive in the spirit, sometimes God is trying to lead you somewhere in life, to lead you to perhaps a place where He will lift you higher. Many times God has to break us down, past our barriers and the walls we build around our hearts before He can truly begin to work in us and change us. He sometimes does this through trials and difficult situations.

HOW do i want to remember this situation in my life?
When you look back on this time in your life, how do you want to remember it? How would you like to recall this situation? Not as in the physical recording down in your diary or blog about the situation, but how it will stay in your mind. Is this going to be remembered as the lowest point in your life, where you failed? or will this be remembered as the time when you stood up and fought? Look at the big picture. the question that struck me as i was preparing this: Is this going to be the lowest point in your life, or the turning point in your life? you can decide :)

Yupyup this is all i have for now, i actually have alot more in my heart that i want to tell all of you, but i think this post is long enough. you all are probably bored :) haha see you all friday! remember your presents and your testimonies :) God has been good to us this year. 2006 has whizzed by so fast, let's take some time from our busy schedule and normal cell group to really think thru and thank Him for what He has done :)

in His love,
paula :)

Posted by exquisite me, @ 8:17 AM

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Last week, we look at one aspect of a surrendered life – to submit to God’s ruler-ship. This week, we will look at another aspect of a surrendered life.


A surrendered life seeks God’s righteousness. What is God’s righteousness?

The righteousness of God is an aspect of God’s nature which expresses his unique moral perfection and his readiness to save sinners. It is made known especially through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

God’s nature is righteous (Ps 119:137). His actions are righteous (Dan 9:14) and His law shows his righteousness (Ps 19:8-9). God’s righteousness is a pattern for human living. When we learn to live according to God’s righteousness, we start to live a righteous life.

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.”

2 Cor 3:18

We want to be more and more like Christ everyday and all of us know that it can be difficult and very challenging in this sin-filled world. But the Bible is full of story of people who lived a life of righteousness in their days. Noah, Job and Daniel are three men in the Scripture credited with extraordinary righteousness.

“…even if these three men - Noah, Daniel and Job - were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD.”

Eze 14:14

    1. Noah (Ge 6:5, 8-9)

    He was ridiculed and laughed at on trying to build a boat for nothing. Yet, Noah was not influenced by the wickedness in his generation.

    1. Job (Job 1:1, 3B, 4, 5, 8)

    Job was tested on his love for God through his possessions, his physical health and his peers and yet Job trusted and believed in the God he serves.

    1. Daniel

    All throughout the book of Daniel, we read of how Daniel was tested again and again, but he remained righteous and holy—faithful to his God.

    1. He was a man of the Word (Dan 9:2)
    2. He was a man of prayer and fasting (Dan9:3)
    3. He was a man of the Holy Spirit (Dan 5:11)

    Daniel lived a life of no compromise to the standard of God. He kept his heart pure.

In this sin-filled generation, will we go all our way to pursue the righteousness of God? Will we be like Noah, Job and Daniel who, though they are in the world, but know that they are not of the world?

He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour.”

Pro 21:21

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Matt 5:6


Posted by exquisite me, @ 8:14 AM

Saturday, December 16, 2006

guys joel here..

can we pls be more attentive and less talkative during the sharing during cell? people want to learn smth from the cell and smth to bring back home and ponder over.. its not going to help matters if we constantly interrupt those who are talking and it is only fair to the speaking party if we are listening to him/her.. this cell was a good example.. its only a 15 mintue sharing by paula max, but it dragged on to half an hour and paula constantly lost her train of thought because of various interruptions like passing of notes, doing stupid things, fidgeting, bursting out with the same comments again and again.. i think we are all matured already. there's a time to make jokes and a time to be serious and learn the word of God. cell is something i think most of us look forward to(myself included) and seek and enjoy it as much as we can. let us give respect to the sharer and in the same way let us enjoy the cell with God's presence. i might not be so forgiving next time. let us work on it together. =)

prayer requests:
pray for the Klang mission trip and the indonesia mission trip
yining's family(yining's grandfather had passed away on thurs)


Posted by exquisite me, @ 7:23 AM

Sunday, December 10, 2006

hey guys qianxiang here.

This is copied from my LJ, which i copied from my Blogger blog, so if you have seen this material before, excuse me.

A small miracle happened to me last Saturday. i got what you would call a divine revelation. It's a kind of threshold crossing. During the sermon in the BCM camp on saturday i was so unsettled that i went up to pray. Honestly, i very rarely pray outside my devotion time-- those prayers just before exams that have so many 'me's in them don't count. And i got a verse. Isaiah 57: 16-19, i believe. Now, it's about sin. It's only 11am in the morning. i'm quite sure i haven't killed, stolen, or destroyed. So i pissedly ask God "NOW what is it about?", and i actually get a mobile number. Which i have never, ever seen before. That's the pinch-- send something to a number i've never ever seen before. What the hammer? What the chain? What the anvil? and all that. But i just trusted, and i smsed that verse to that number. And guess who it was? It was someone from youth . Other than my own irritation at not knowing yet another person's handphone number (data collection phail), i realized it was a miracle. she was going through something tough and that verse just came in time. i'm really happy that such a thing happened, for her (of course), and also for myself, because i learnt about faith and trust and so many other things.

feel free to correct me if i'm wrong anywhere.

by the way, songs for this friday's cell are
1) King of Majesty [Hillsong United]
2) Majesty [Planetshakers]
3) Majesty (Here I Am) [Delirious?]
4) Majesty, King of Eternity [Hymn]

just kidding.

Posted by exquisite me, @ 9:06 PM

Friday, December 08, 2006

hey guys joel here

thanks for the celebration yesterday.. haha.. means a lot to me.. we had a lot of fun and i would like to say that i love my cell group very much.. hee.. throwing burgers and robots had never been so much fun..

couple of things..

those who went church camp pls post anything that the speaker has impressed on you during the church camp and that you would like all of the cell to be edified by it..

watch your language and how you say things to people.. you may mean it one way but the other person may not.. and stop using vulgarities.. it is not of us to use them to condescend other people, even to a computer.. cool in the world, but not cool with God.

"I love you with a love everlasting."God through Ps Jack Theva's wife(dunno wads her name)

Christmas is coming! get your friends to come to our Christmas service!! haha..

Posted by exquisite me, @ 9:11 PM

Saturday, December 02, 2006

norman here.

i've got sort of a confession to make. last tuesday, 28th of nov, i got myself a girlfriend. or rather, my girlfriend got herself a boyfriend. okay, so i know it was wrong, but i went ahead with it anyway. i talked to dilys and she gave me some advice, but it went unheeded anyway.

we've broken up now though, after we've talked on the phone and decided that carrying on would go nowhere since her heart's not truly mine. its a clean break, we're still friends, and to me, the experience is most important (sorry if i'm looking at it from the wrong point of view). i'm not sad, i'm quite happy the way things turned out really. ya. she's a non-christian btw. well, not really, she says she's kind of paganistic. she believes that God to her is different from the way WE look at it. i've tried getting her to church before and during the (brief) relationship, and i'm still going to continue trying. can help pray that God will soften her heart? i do want to see my dear friends get saved.. so yep, help pray, and expect that one day i'll bring her to church.

moving on to another friend, she's willing to come but she has to ask her dad, who i'm afraid happens to be rather strict. so, pray that God will soften her dad's heart and make them both receptive to the word. ya? oh and for reference sake, the first girl is chelmin, the second is luo er. thanks.

thanks in advance for the prayers. and paula you can send me for counselling if you want to. i dont know. you can decide what you want to do with me.

p.s. kind of a sad post isn't it? in the middle of the night, right before the church camp. luckily you guys wont be reading it before the camp, cux its like 1.45am. so yeah. thanks again for the prayers.

Posted by sPongEbOb, @ 9:35 AM

church camp is tml!! gear up and move forth with God! haha couple of things..

1. its paula's exam today! say a prayer for her as she takes the exam..

2. thank God for dilys being able to complete her BMA sooner rather than later.. left you norman..

3. jovin thanks for leading the cell on fri.. haha.. i had..difficulties.. haha.. hope you find the refreshments to your liking.. haha..

4. for me thank God my roomate thing is over.. tell you all.. if i had not been able to get another roomate i would have to room with jonavan's dad.. haha.. so well.. $80 is a small price to pay not to have a curfew in m'sia.. if ya know wad i mean.. haha.. so HG2-T boys going to church camp are going to share the same room!! haha.. and well jonavan's family can now go cept for jonavan.. haha..

5. norman chang xiang qian xiang jovin jonathan xiangkuan reuben can also blog about your happenings with God and the world here.. testimonies and how you feel you are so privileged to be in God's embrace when the world is not treating you right.. we can make this an 11++++++++++ people's blog.. :)


Posted by exquisite me, @ 12:45 AM

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